Discover the Art of Gong Healing in Our 2-Day Workshop and Awaken Your Inner Harmony

course event gong practitioner training
Introduction to Gong Healing

Do you often find yourself caught up in the whirlwind of life, battling stress and anxiety on a daily basis? Are you seeking a transformative experience that can help you find inner peace and balance? If so, we invite you to embark on a remarkable journey of self-discovery with our upcoming 2-day Gong Healing Workshop. The next one is Friday 3rd - Saturday 4th November, here in Margate, UK.

In a world where modern life can sometimes be overwhelming, it's essential to find ways to reconnect with our inner selves and create a harmonious equilibrium. One such avenue to achieving this is the practice of Gong Healing, a time-tested and profound method that can lead you towards a state of deep relaxation and rejuvenation.

What is Gong Healing?

Gong Healing, an ancient practice rooted in sound therapy, involves the use of gongs and other vibrational instruments to create immersive soundscapes. These therapeutic sounds have been known to impact the body, mind, and spirit in profound ways. In our upcoming 2-day workshop, we will explore the incredible potential of gongs as tools for healing and personal growth.

The Benefits of Gong Healing

1. Stress Reduction

Stress is a common modern-day ailment that affects our overall well-being. Gong Healing is a powerful stress-reduction technique that can help you unwind and release tension. The soothing vibrations of the gongs create an atmosphere of calm, allowing you to let go of stress and anxiety.

2. Enhanced Self-Awareness

The workshop will guide you through meditative practices that enable deep self-reflection. The harmonious vibrations of the gongs will help you tap into your inner consciousness, fostering self-awareness and personal growth.

3. Improved Sleep

If you're someone who struggles with sleep issues, Gong Healing might be your solution. The workshop will teach you how to use gongs and sound to induce a state of relaxation, making it easier to fall asleep and enjoy a rejuvenating night's rest.

4. Emotional Release

Repressed emotions can hold you back and negatively impact your life. Gong Healing offers a safe and supportive environment for emotional release, allowing you to let go of past traumas and experience emotional freedom.

The Workshop Experience

Our 2-day Gong Healing Workshop is designed to be an immersive and transformative experience.

Here's what you can expect:

Day 1: Introduction to Gong Healing

  • Understand the Shamanic Healing Process and its Principles
  • Explore the history, science and significance of gongs in healing practices
  • Participate in a group gong healing session to experience its effects firsthand.
  • Discover how different types of gongs and different tools to play gongs create distinct vibrations and healing qualities.
  • Build confidence, with hands-on playing sessions both for your personal experience and to heal others.

Day 2: Deep Dive into Gong Healing

  • Explore different ways to create sacred space, and ritual, and weave in intentions
  • Learn how to guide others through shamanic visualisations to awaken their third-eye consciousness.
  • Consider the ethical and medical boundaries of a gong healer, so you can work safely and with integrity
  • Expand your repertoire with different sound healing instruments within practical hands-on gong-playing sessions.
  • Discover the art of working with groups, the powerful synchronicities and also the pitfalls to avoid.
  • Become confident in supporting others with the integration of their healing experiences and shamanic visions.
  • Learn how to incorporate Gong Healing into your daily life for lasting benefits.

Meet your Gong Guide

Sorrell Robins aka Plant Spirit Medicine Woman is an experienced and passionate guide/teacher, ceremony leader and shamanic healer. She is dedicated to helping you unlock your inner potential through the power of Gong Healing. Bringing a wealth of knowledge and expertise in sound therapy and shamanic healing practices to create a safe and nurturing environment for your personal growth.

Who Can Attend?

This workshop is open to individuals of all experience levels. Whether you're a complete beginner or have some background in sound therapy, this workshop will provide you with valuable insights and practical skills that you can apply to your personal and professional life.

Reserve Your Spot Today!

Don't miss the opportunity to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and inner harmony. Join us for our 2-day Gong Healing Workshop and learn how to harness the healing power of sound. Spaces are limited, so reserve your spot today and take the first step towards a more balanced and harmonious life.

To book your place or to learn more about our upcoming workshop, please CLICK HERE.

Get ready to experience the incredible world of Gong Healing and awaken your inner harmony. We can't wait to share this journey with you!

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