
Herbal Medicine, Plant Spirit Medicine, Health Sorrell Robbins Herbal Medicine, Plant Spirit Medicine, Health Sorrell Robbins

Herbal Medicine for Summer COVID Relief: Immune Tonic and Cooling Herbs to Consider

Beat the Heat and Support Immunity with Cooling Herbs this Summer!

As COVID-19 cases rise again, natural approaches to managing symptoms and boosting immunity are more important than ever. This summer, embrace the power of cooling herbs! These versatile plants not only soothe discomfort but also offer anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. Discover some of our favourites and their potential benefits inside!

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Shamanic, Courses Triston Wallace Shamanic, Courses Triston Wallace

We’re Evolving!

Our most popular courses: the 13 Moons and Munay Ki Mastery, have now evolved into an even more potent program called "The Shaman’s Way".

This year-long journey is designed for both beginners and experienced practitioners, offering a comprehensive path to personal healing and the potential to become a professional shamanic practitioner.

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Plant Spirit Medicine Triston Wallace Plant Spirit Medicine Triston Wallace

Unveiling the Ancient Wisdom: A Guide to Ayahuasca Microdosing in 2024

Have you heard the whispers of a potent plant medicine from the depths of the Amazon? Ayahuasca, revered for over 1,000 years, is gaining traction in the modern world, particularly in the realm of microdosing. This blog post dives into this practice, exploring its potential benefits and offering a glimpse into a personal experience

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Free Cacao Ceremonies Triston Wallace Free Cacao Ceremonies Triston Wallace

Unlock The Power Of Your Inner Shaman - Connect Now!

Aristotle once said, "The most important relationship we can all have is the one we have with ourselves, and the most important journey we can take is one of self-discovery."

Now, as we embrace this New Moon, I extend an invitation to embark on a journey of self-discovery.

I will guide you on this introspective voyage, where we'll connect with the shamanic aspect within ourselves, whom we'll refer to as the inner shaman.

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Shamanic Triston Wallace Shamanic Triston Wallace

How to Create a Mandala Ceremony in Nature

In this enchanting video, Sorrel guides us through the ancient art of creating a mandala ceremony, a sacred practice that bridges the realms of spirit and nature. Join us as we embark on a journey to connect with the elements, express our intentions, and manifest our dreams through the language of symbols.

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Free Cacao Ceremonies Triston Wallace Free Cacao Ceremonies Triston Wallace

Journey to Meet Mama Cacao

This June New Moon, we will Journey with Gongs and Cacao, I will guide you on a shamanic journey, assisted by my gongs to meet the spirit of Mama Cacao. We do this by journeying together, with my voice to guide you on the path, the sounds of 7 symphonic gongs, and other shamanic instruments to help our consciousness shift into a deeper altered dreamier state.

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