Cacao Spirit Medicine

Everything you need to be a successful Cacaoista

Next course starting in October 2024

>> Secure your place with a deposit today and pay nothing until October <<<

>> Secure your place with a deposit today and pay nothing until October <<<

>> Secure your place with a deposit today and pay nothing until October <<< >> Secure your place with a deposit today and pay nothing until October <<<

In search of healing from deep emotional and spiritual wounds, I embarked on a journey into the world of herbal medicine over 30 years ago. This path led me to train as a Medical Herbalist, but my exploration continued into other healing modalities like hypnotherapy and shamanism.

For more than 28 years, I have studied under the guidance of indigenous shamans, medicine people, and healers from various traditions. This rich tapestry of knowledge informs my approach to holistic healing, which integrates mind, body, and spirit.

I am now dedicated to sharing these powerful techniques through personalized teaching, offering a variety of online courses and live events focused on herbal medicine, plant spirit medicine, and shamanism.

More about Sorrell >



Join me on the path of healing, happiness and consciousness expansion

Transformational Shamanic Courses

Begin Your Cacaoista Adventure with the only Certified, Insurable, Live & Interactive Cacaoista Training Course.

Starts October 2024


Shamanic Healing, The Mayan Medicine Wheel, Munay Ki Rites Initiations.

The next course stars in October 2024

Margate, Kent, UK

Advanced Shamanic Courses

Join me on the Shamanic Practitioner's path and let your healing gifts flourish as you embrace the call to make a difference in the world.

Margate, Kent, UK

Healing Workshops and Crafting Short Courses

Discover the profound healing potential of shamanic practices with Plant Spirit Medicine Woman.

8-9th September 2024

Margate, Kent, UK

Craft your very own shamanic frame drum, drum wand and rattle in just two transformational days.

21-22nd September

Margate, Kent, UK

A 2-day workshop teaching you how to use a shamanic frame drum and crystals for healing and awakening spiritual consciousness.

5-6th October

Margate, Kent, UK

Unlock the healing potential within you and others through ancient Sound Healing techniques including Gongs, Singing bowls and Percussion

9-10th November

Margate, Kent, UK

Learn the ancient art of Shamanic Drum Birthing, connect with your inner rhythm, and create your own powerful drum in this hands-on workshop

7-8th December

Margate, Kent, UK

Self-Paced & On-Demand Courses 

This course guides you through the spiritual & practical elements involved in making vibrational plant essences.


Join me in Ceremony…



