Gong Healing & Relaxation

The most powerful sound healing tool on our planet!  There is no mistaking the power of GONG. 

Gong Baths are a divine way of accessing the healing power of sound and vibration to transform your conscious and unconscious patterns, bring yourself into harmony and expand your spiritual soul towards enlightenment. They are relaxing to the deepest level. There is no part of our being that can block the healing power of Gong!

Sorrell channels healing sound sessions with 9 Gongs: Sedna, Mercury, Chiron, Saturn, Neptune, Bronze Gong 8, Nepalese Singing Bowl Gong, a Wind Gong & Temple Gong.

During a Gong Bath session with we first discuss what you may be looking for from the experience.  Some people come for physical or emotional healing, others come for the psychedelic element as the gong bath is a potent meditation aid. She can assist your journey into your inner world, allowing you to access your own personal spiritual visions, and bring you answers to questions you may have. The gong can connect you to the source of divinity and assist an expansion into a profound and blissful psychedelic consciousness.

​For those on the physical healing path, we allow some time to define our healing intentions, creating a personalised sacred healing shamanic ceremony, to hold us in a safe transformational space, calling on our spiritual allies and focusing the healing through the sound and vibration created by the Gong to assist you on your path of healing or spiritual awakening (often both).

​Before we begin our Gong healing, we settle you into a bed of squishy cushions and fluffy blankets to encourage the deepest level of relaxation, creating the most powerful space possible for you to release the pain of the past, experience psychedelic visions and manifest the power and energy you need to shift whatever has been blocking you and healing your life.