Herbal Medicine

Plant Medicine to soothe and heal your mind, body and soul

Herbal Medicine is the use of medicinal plants to treat disease and to restore and maintain health. 

Herbal medicines can help restore the correct functioning, strength and balance of all the body’s systems where they have become weakened, unbalanced or diseased.  When used correctly, plant medicines are an extremely safe way to restore health from side effects. They are non-addictive and help the body to remember how to be healthy and work harmoniously.

Plant Spirit Medicine Woman is passionate about quality and uses only the highest quality and strongest organic herbal preparations; teas, tinctures, powders, essential oils, creams, ointments, aromatic waters, and vibrational essences to create medicines that work like magic for her clients. 

​The flower essences and vibrational medicines she uses are most often hand made by her, in a sacred and traditional way from her own herb garden and the wild places she journeys to. As she connects with each plant species personally, and the medicines they provide, they consequently work extremely powerfully for her clients, as they are her plant spirit medicine allies.

Plant Spirit Medicine Woman, has dedicated her life to this healing tradition, educated and certified as a Western Medical Herbalist, with an Honours degree in Phytopharmacy - Herbal medicine, the scientific and evidence based study of plant medicines. And also working in apprenticeship with practitioners from various traditions including Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Galenic medicine, Astrological herbalism, Plant Spirit Medicine and Aromatherapy to fully ground in the science and spiritual aspects of this healing modality. She ran a herbal medicine shop for many years in London. And has been teaching and mentoring students from amateurs explorers to masters degree students for over 20 years.

All this training and experience empowers her to work with each individual at a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level, to help connect you with the medicines you need to truly heal, and not just suppress symptoms.

Plant Spirit Medicine Woman's practice is unique and so are the medicine she creates. If you are looking for a magical herbalist, working in symbiosis with mama nature, weaving together the healing of mind, body and spirit for deep and lasting healing, you have found one!

Plant Spirit Medicine Woman offers FREE 15 MINUTE CONSULTATIONS for anyone considering this healing path, or you can book an initial consultation of 90 minutes, to begin your healing journey with herbs as soon as you are ready. 

  • The number of sessions required varies depending on the client’s requirements.

    During the first consultation we look at the complete history of an individual’s health on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level and an assessment is made as to how we may help; initial perceptions on how long treatment may take, and how successful we can expect to be will be discussed. 

    A prescription of herbs and vibrational essences is uniquely created for the client’s individual presentation. This usually lasts for 90 minutes.

    ​Follow up consultations last up to an hour. As the body, mind and spirit heals, it’s needs will change and we develop and alter the prescription to ensure we are working together in the right way, to suit your changing needs at all times.

    The frequency of appointments varies but the usual pattern is 2 weeks after the first consultation, then 3-4 weeks, then 6 weeks. Most clients require 3 appointments to see the life changing shift they require, some more chronic conditions may need longer term assistance. Where a long term relationship is required, we can supply herbal medicines for up to 3 months between appointments. Repeat prescriptions are also available to save costs, and where the medicine is required for long term use to truly maintain the individual’s health. 

    ​Sorrell will interweave her other therapies into her herbal consultations to offer you whatever it takes to get you well. The shamanic, reiki healing and hypnotherapy offerings all make her healing work faster and more effective.

    Sorrell likes to see results fast, and if she cannot help she will know very quickly and refer you to someone who will help you more than she is able to. For this reason she offers a FREE 15 minute consultation to see if you resonate before you commit to a full paid appointment.

  • Sorrell works with a multidimensional approach to her medicine making, treating the symptoms and patterns of physical disease alongside any energetic imbalances and spiritual issues affecting the clients wellbeing.

    Sorrell integrates organic hand made tinctures from her herbal apothecary with healing teas, creams, oils and flower essences to create bespoke medicines for your unique requirements.

  • Consultations

    FREE 15 minute meeting – NO CHARGE, NO COMMITMENT

     First appointment usually 90 minutes – £123.00

    Follow up appointments usually 60-75 minutes – £82.00

    Video call or telephone appointments usually 60 minutes – £82.00

    Herbal medicinal products - we try to ensure all products are organic, or wildcrafted - ethically.

    Tincture –  £24.00 per 200ml (approximately 2 weeks supply)

    Aromatic waters - £7 per 100ml, £13 per 200ml, £33 per 500ml, £60 per litre

    Dried herbs – £10.00 per 100g (approximately 2 weeks supply)

    Powders – £16.00 per £100g (approximately 2 weeks supply)

    Vibrational essences alone – £11.00 per 15ml bottle (approximately 2 weeks supply) & £16.00 per 30ml (approximately 1 months supply)

    Sometimes the price will vary if the herbs are expensive eg. rose or slippery elm, or if we source a product externally for you and their price is more than ours

    Creams – £10.00 per 60g, £14.00 per 120g, £35 per 500g

    ​All products are sourced organically wherever possible.