Free Cacao Ceremony Video: Connecting With The Spirit Of Mushrooms

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Connecting With The Spirit Of Mushrooms

🌙 Join Us on a Shamanic Journey: New Moon with Gongs and Cacao (optional) 🌙

Unlock the Magic of the October New Moon

Experience the enchantment of the October New Moon with a transformative journey featuring the resonant sounds of gongs and the optional addition of ceremonial cacao. This New Moon in Libra isn't merely a celestial event; it's a profound opportunity for transformation. As a potent Luna eclipse graces our skies, it gifts us with a precious 6-month window to reshape our connections with each other. And who better to lead us through this cosmic gateway than the nurturing spirits of Mama Cacao and Mama Mushroom?

🌌 A Celestial Invitation to Transformation 🌌

During this celestial alignment, these wise plant allies guide us towards unity, reminding us of our interconnectedness and the essential role of harmony in our lives. The relationships we attract may reflect our deepest wounds or bring perfect alignment. It's a moment to be mindful of our intentions and approach old patterns with compassion.

🌿 A Shamanic Journey with Sorrell 🌿

Sorrell will be your guide on a shamanic voyage into the realms where mushrooms grow, connecting you with the spirit of mushrooms. Whether you have a fondness for edible mushrooms like oyster or shiitake, or you're drawn to the wisdom of psilocybin mushrooms or truffles, this journey is an opportunity to connect with the spirits that guide us. Sorrell's guidance ensures a safe and meaningful experience.

🎶 Elevate Your Shamanic Experience with Gong Healing 🎶

Enhance your shamanic journey with the resonant sounds of gongs. Sorrell's shamanic guidance, combined with the gongs, will deepen your experience, facilitating access to different levels of consciousness, from Beta to Alpha, Theta, and Delta states. Here, hidden truths are unveiled, and Sorrell will gently guide you back to your body, ensuring a seamless integration of your newfound wisdom.

🍫 About Cacao Ceremony 🍫

Cacao ceremony, rooted in ancient Mayan shamanic practices, combines ceremonial cacao with shamanic techniques. Sorrell and Mama Cacao collaborate to create a unique healing and joyful experience. All are welcome, whether you're a newcomer or an experienced practitioner seeking a deeper spiritual journey.

💖 Experience Healing, Bliss, and Wisdom 💖

Our intention is to provide physical and emotional healing, forge spiritual connections, and impart wisdom from your spirit guides, supporting your path to wholeness.

🌑 Harness the Potential of the New Moon 🌑

The New Moon presents an astrological opportunity for introspection, exploring boundless possibilities, and weaving new dreams. In this Sacred Shamanic Ceremony with Ceremonial Cacao (optional), Sorrell will guide you on a journey of elevated consciousness, awakening your shamanic potential, and delivering spiritual and physical healing.

🌿 About Sorrell, Your Shamanic Guide 🌿

With 28 years of training in Medical Herbalism, Plant Spirit Medicine, Shamanic Healing, and Sacred Cacao Ceremony, Sorrell brings extensive knowledge and experience to her ceremonies. She has received teachings from traditional medicine practitioners in Guatemala, Ecuador, Peru, and Native North America. Your safety and well-being are paramount, so please reach out if you have health concerns or are on medication before our ceremonies.

🌍 Let's Heal Our World, One Heart at a Time 🌍

Join us as we embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and renewal. Let's begin by nurturing our own hearts and embracing the magic of the New Moon. Reserve your spot now, and together, we'll delve into the mysteries of the shamanic path.


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