Free Cacao Ceremony Video: Connecting With The Spirit Of Autumnus

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Connecting with the Spirit of Autumnus

🌙 Join Us on a Shamanic Journey: New Moon with Gongs and Cacao (optional) 🌙

Discover the magic of the September New Moon as we embark on a transformative journey with gongs and optional ceremonial cacao. Sorrell will guide you on a shamanic adventure, connecting you with the spirit of Autumnus, the Roman embodiment of the autumn season. This unique experience is designed to be a journey of self-discovery, healing, and renewal suitable for beginners and more experienced shamanic pathway practitioners.

🍂 Explore the Spirit of Autumnus 🍂

As we enter the realm of Autumnus, we're invited to embrace themes of harvest, abundance, thankfulness, balance, wisdom, foresight, and the magic of the autumn season. Autumnus, most often envisioned as a powerful Earth Goddess, will guide us through this season of transformation. Together, we'll stalk our shadows and confront the stories that hold us back, releasing them into the light for healing and integration. By harnessing this energy, we can focus on positive transformation during the darker months.

🪙 Set Your Intentions for the New Moon 🪙

During our journey, you'll have the opportunity to set your intentions. Perhaps you'd like to explore your shadows, shedding what no longer serves you like the falling leaves of the trees. New Moons offer a fresh start and a blank slate, making it an ideal time to manifest your dreams and receive guidance during our shamanic cacao ceremony. 🎶 Enhance Your Shamanic Brain with Gong Healing 🎶 Sorrell's shamanic guidance and the gongs will deepen your shamanic experience, allowing you to access different levels of awareness. From Beta consciousness to Alpha, Theta, and Delta states, you'll journey through day-dream-like states where hidden truths are revealed. Sorrell will guide you back to your body, ensuring a seamless integration of your newfound wisdom into everyday life.

🍫 About Cacao Ceremony 🍫

Cacao ceremony, an ancient Mayan shamanic practice, combines ceremonial cacao with shamanic techniques. Sorrell and Mama Cacao work in harmony to create a unique healing and joyful experience. No previous experience is required, and newcomers are warmly welcomed. For the experienced, Sorrell and Mama Cacao can take you deeper on your spiritual healing journey.

💖 Experience Healing, Spiritual Bliss, and Wisdom 💖

Our intention is to offer physical and emotional healing, spiritual connection, and wisdom teachings from your spirit guides, supporting your journey toward wholeness.

🌑 Harness the New Moon's Potential 🌑

The New Moon offers an astrological opportunity to delve within, explore infinite possibilities, and dream new dreams. In this Sacred Shamanic Ceremony with Ceremonial Cacao, Sorrell will be your guide, elevating your consciousness, awakening your shamanic potential, and providing spiritual and physical healing.

🌿 About Sorrell, Your Shamanic Guide 🌿

With 27 years of training in Medical Herbalism, Plant Spirit Medicine, Shamanic Healing, and Sacred Cacao Ceremony, Sorrell brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her ceremonies. She has been trained by traditional medicine men and women from Guatemala, Ecuador, Peru, and Native North America. Your safety and well-being are paramount, so please reach out if you have any health concerns or are on medication before our ceremonies.

🌍 Let's Heal Our World, One Heart at a Time 🌍

Join us as we embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and renewal. Let's start with our own hearts and embrace the magic of the New Moon. Reserve your spot now, and together, we'll explore the mysteries of the shamanic path. 

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