Creating an Ancestor Altar: A Sacred Connection to Our Roots

altar sacred space shamanic spirit


In a world that often moves at a breakneck pace, it's essential to take time to honour and connect with our ancestors. Ancestor altars are a beautiful way to celebrate the lives and wisdom of those who came before us. These altars serve as a reminder of our roots, providing a sacred space to connect with our heritage and gain guidance from those who have passed on. In this blog, we will explore the steps to create an ancestor altar and the meaningful rituals that can be performed to connect with and celebrate our ancestors.

Step 1: Select a Sacred Space

The first step in creating an ancestor altar is to select a sacred space where you will build and maintain it. This space can be anywhere in your home, but it should be a quiet and peaceful area where you can reflect and connect with your ancestors without distractions. Many people choose a corner of their living room, a dedicated table, or a shelf for their altar.

Step 2: Gather Meaningful Items

Ancestor altars are deeply personal, and the items you choose to include should reflect your unique connection to your ancestors. Here are some common items you can consider placing on your altar:

  1. Pictures: Photographs of your ancestors can be the focal point of your altar. Include images of family members you wish to honour and connect with.

  2. Candles: Lighting candles on your altar is a symbolic way to illuminate the spiritual realm and invite your ancestors' presence.

  3. Incense: Burning incense can purify the energy around the altar and create a peaceful atmosphere.

  4. Offerings: Some people leave offerings such as food, drinks, or favourite items of their ancestors as a sign of respect.

  5. Crystals: Certain crystals like clear quartz, amethyst, or black tourmaline are believed to help with spiritual connection and protection.

  6. Personal Items: Incorporate personal items that belonged to your ancestors, like heirlooms, jewellery, or letters.

Step 3: Arrange Your Altar

Arrange the items on your altar in a way that feels harmonious and meaningful to you. You can place a tablecloth or cloth with colours or patterns that resonate with your ancestors' heritage. Position the photographs or images of your ancestors at the centre, and arrange the other items around them. Be intuitive and trust your instincts when setting up your altar.

Step 4: Regular Maintenance and Rituals

To maintain a strong connection with your ancestors, it's essential to tend to your altar regularly. Here are some rituals and practices you can incorporate:

  1. Daily Offerings: Light a candle or incense daily as an invitation to your ancestors. You can also offer a few words of gratitude and share your thoughts with them.

  2. Seasonal Celebrations: On special occasions or holidays, you can enhance your altar with seasonal decorations and offerings.

  3. Ancestral Prayer or Meditation: Spend time in front of your altar, meditating or saying a prayer to connect with your ancestors and seek their guidance.

  4. Genealogy Research: Learning more about your family history and lineage can deepen your connection with your ancestors. Incorporate any newfound knowledge into your altar.

  5. Journaling: Keep a journal dedicated to your ancestor altar experiences. Write down any dreams, messages, or feelings you receive while connecting with your ancestors.


Creating an ancestor altar is a powerful and deeply spiritual practice that allows you to celebrate your roots and connect with those who came before you. It's a way to keep the memory of your ancestors alive and draw upon their wisdom and guidance as you navigate your own life journey. Whether you're seeking advice, comfort, or simply a sense of belonging, your ancestor altar can be a beautiful and sacred space for these connections to flourish.

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